Clubs & Societies

Please help us to keep this up to date!

If your group is not listed below and you would like us to add it, please let us know. Likewise, if your group is here, but in the wrong category or with missing information, please let us know and we will edit.

Potton Good Neighbour Scheme
Co-ordinator: Mrs Kassy Lean
07484 301289
Volunteers help with transport to medical appointments, shopping, collect prescriptions and other essential appointments. For residents of Potton only.

Potton History Society
George Howe 01767 260935 Email:
Peter Ibbett 01480 218756 Email:

The Jubilee Project
Barbara Brown 07771 657805
The Community Centre, Brook End, Potton SG19 2QS

New Voices of Potton
Kassy Lean (Chair) 01767 262404
Mixed voice adult choir rehearsing at St Mary’s Church Hall, Hatley Road, Potton SG19 2RP
Meets on Wednesdays at 7.30 pm (Term Time).  New singers welcome.

Party On Potton
Richard West, Chairman 07801 715276

Phoenix Chorus
Rehearsing at Stratton School, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade SG18 8JB
Fiona 07860 704443
twitter @flamingbirdz

Potton Art Group
Ian Russell 01767 260103
Website: potton-art-group/home
A friendly art group based in Potton, Bedfordshire.
Every Wednesday during school term time – 10 am to 12.30 pm
St Mary’s Church Hall, Hatley Road, Potton SG19 2RP

Potton Bowls Club
Chairman: Stephen Black
2-12 Sutton Mill Road, Potton SG19 2QB

2nd Potton Brownies
Melvene Smith
07837 346162
01767 260415
Potton Primary School, Mill Lane, Potton SG19 2PG

Potton Consolidated Charity
Contact: Clerk to the Trustees – Dean John Howard
69 Stotfold Road, Arlesey, Bedfordshire SG15 6XR

Potton & District Club & Institute
Karen Henry 01767 261465
Charities Hall, Station Road, Potton SG19 2PZ

Potton Food Garden
Mobile no: Sharon 07944 730565, Prasanna 07804 572917
A community veg and flower garden in Myers Road, Potton, opposite Garden Fields. Growing for health, wellbeing and to donate fresh produce to veg box scheme. We garden on Tuesdays from 9.30 am until 12 pm, but are flexible if people would like other times. All welcome to join. Groups encouraged to visit! The garden is open for Community Days on a Saturday 10am-4pm in the summer months.  All are welcome to visit, look around and spend time just enjoying the garden. Please add a comment in our visitor’s book so that we know you have been.

Potton Friendship Group
Andrea, Potton Community Agent 07590 359630 (Weds and Thurs only)
Meets every Thursday from 10 am until 12 pm at The Community Centre, Brook End, Potton SG19 2QS

Potton Guides
Karen Inkersole 01767 261966
Potton Primary School, Mill Lane, Potton SG19 2PG
Meets Wednesdays 7.15 pm – 9 pm (Term Time)

Potton Hall for All
Chairman, Liz Smith

Potton Ladies Club
Jane Archer 07778366664
The Pavilion, Mill Lane, Potton SG19 2PG
Meets 1st Tuesday of the month (6.30-9.30pm)

2nd Potton Rainbows
St Mary’s Church Hall, Hatley Road, Potton SG19 2RP
Meets Wednesdays 5.30pm-6.30pm (Term Time)

Potton Playhouse
A friendly local amateur dramatic society that welcomes new members
Contact: Marcia Jackson 07713 739519

1st Potton Scout Group
Andy Bargery, Group Scout Leader
Hatley Road, Potton SG19 2RP

Potton Sports & Social Club
Nigel Westhorp 01767 650722
The Hutchinson Hollow, Biggleswade Road, Potton SG19 2LX

Potton Tablet Workshop
Andrea, Potton Community Agent 07590 359630 (Weds and Thurs only)
Meets Wednesdays (Term Time) from 10 am until 12 pm at The Community Centre, Brook End, Potton SG19 2QS

Veg Box Donation Scheme (VBDS)
Coordinator: Sharon Mey 07944 730565
The Veg Box Donation Scheme (VBDS) is a Christian non-profit charity, collecting donations or purchasing fresh, healthy fruit, veg and eggs and distributing it as free of charge veg boxes to local residents referred to us in food poverty in Potton, Sandy, Biggleswade and surrounding villages. The VBDS vision is to share our excess produce, as a community, with those in need in our local area, and also reduce food waste.

You can help by donating fresh produce or by joining our friendly volunteer team.

What's On

  • VE Day 80 Anniversary

    8th May 2025

    A message from the Pageantmaster ‘On Thursday 8th May 2025, we mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day, our nation

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  • Summer Four Seasons Market

    21st June 2025

    Four Seasons Market Stalls include a good selection of the very best local produce, typically local meat, beer, vegetables, artisan

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  • PottonFest

    21st June 2025

    Something new and exciting for the Summer 2025! The town council’s Events Committee is busy planning PottonFest, our very own

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