Potton Town Council has four main Committees:
- Environment
- Events
- Management
- Planning
Environment Committee responsibilities
- Monitor and manage the Potton Neighbourhood Plan (PNP) Action Plan – Visions E, F and G.
- Monitor and manage the PNP Policies EV-1, EV-2, EV-3, EV-4, EV-5 and EV-6.
- Green Infrastructure Plan – Action Plan.
Councillors on Environment Committee
Cllr Charles Craig, Cllr John Day and Cllr Guy Horsfall.
Number of meetings per year: 3 – usually following the meeting of the Planning Committee which starts at 7pm.
Meeting dates: 25th March 2025.
Events Committee responsibilities
Organising Town Council events, which include Remembrance Sunday, Christmas Lights and the Four Seasons Markets.
Councillors on the Events Committee
Cllr Charles Craig, Cllr Vicki Gwilliam, Cllr Carol Leggatt (Chairman) and Cllr Angus Macdonald.
Number of meetings per year: 4 – usually following the meeting of Potton Youth Council.
Meeting dates: 9th June 2025.
Management Committee responsibilities
- Emergency Plan.
- Employment.
- Potton Neighbourhood Plan.
Councillors on Management Committee
Cllr Charles Craig, Cllr John Day, Cllr Vicki Gwilliam (Chairman), Cllr John Hobbs (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Andrew Inkersole, Cllr Carol Leggatt, Cllr Angus Macdonald, Cllr Dan Norman and Cllr Jonathan Price Williams.
Number of meetings per year: 3 – usually following the meeting of the Planning Committee which starts at 7pm.
Meeting dates: TBA.
Planning Committee responsibilities
- Monitor and manage the PNP Action Plan – Visions A and B.
- Monitor and manage the PNP Policies HO-1, HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5 and HO-6.
- Complete the PNP Compliance Checklist for all new planning applications and compose the Potton Town Council response to Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) consultation.
- Liaison with developers and CBC Planning Officers at the pre-planning stage.
Councillors on Planning Committee
Cllr Charles Craig, Cllr John Day, Cllr John Hobbs (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Angus Macdonald, Cllr Dan Norman (Chairman) and Cllr Jonathan Price Williams.
Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7pm. See Planning page for meeting dates.