
Consultation open for Outline Planning Application CB/24/02185/OUT

Consultation is now open for an outline planning application to build 125 houses North of Sandy Road, Potton SG19 2QQ.

Application No: CB/24/02185/OUT
Location: Land North of Sandy Road, Potton SG19 2QQ
Proposal: Outline Application: Outline planning permission is sought with all matters reserved for future determination, save for the means of access via Sandy Road, for: up to 125 dwellings (Use Class C3, comprising market and affordable dwellings, including bungalows), site access and highway works, green infrastructure including sustainable drainage, ecological habitats, children’s play areas and amenity green space, and ancillary works.
Weblink for documents: Click here.

The town council encourages residents to respond directly to Central Bedfordshire Council. Visit the CBC planning website, then click on Consultation, scroll down the page and click on Public Representations. Alternatively, you can email your comments to by no later than Monday 2nd September 2024.

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