Freemen of Potton

Carlton James Avison

The town council granted the freedom of the town to Carlton James Avison at a special meeting on 7th May 2024.

Carlton is a local businessman who has lived in Potton with his wife Jo and their family since July 2006. He was born on 17th February 1967. Carlton is a very outgoing person who talks to everyone he meets and is always ready to help someone in need. He volunteers with the putting up and taking down of the Christmas lights every year, and anything locally that needs doing. If there is an incident locally people will seek Carlton out to help.

After moving to Potton, Carlton immediately wanted to get involved within the community. In 2011, he set up his car repair and servicing business in the town, which freed up some of his time to become a Retained Firefighter at Potton Community Fire Station, and became more involved in community events. He joined the committee of Party on Potton (POP) and was later the chairman of the committee. In his time volunteering with the POP committee he has given up his time and sacrifice family holidays to ensure the event has run smoothly. Carlton stepped down as chairman and away from POP at the end of the 2022 Big Weekend.

During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, the Ambulance Service was in crisis and requested help from the Fire Service. Carlton put himself forward, and was seconded to the Ambulance Service for originally six weeks. However, he continued for 15 months whilst still working. He is now a co-responder with the Fire Service, and continues to do bank work for the Ambulance Service.

In 2022, Carlton was asked by Potton Town Council to become Potton’s official Town Crier and has participated at HM Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022, the Proclamation of King Charles III in September 2022, and the Coronation of King Charles III in May 2023. He was accepted as a member of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers in February 2024. On 6th May 2024, he read The Proclamation to proclaim the first anniversary of the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, and on 6th June 2024 took part in the national events to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. He has also attended other local events held in the town, including Potton Apple Day.

Carlton has also organised numerous charity events within Potton, raising much needed funds for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer Now, and is a great Master of Ceremonies.

To recognise a man who commits so much of his time to the local community, Carlton was nominated to become a Freeman of Potton at a special meeting of the Town Council in May 2024.

Every year, St Mary’s Church bells will ring in his honour to celebrate Carlton’s birthday.

Frederick William Jakes MBE

The town council in September 2014 took the historic step of granting the freedom of the town to Frederick William Jakes, better known to all as Eric.

For the newer residents of our community it may help to explain the background to the how’, why and what led up to this momentus decision.

Eric Jakes was a Potton man born and bred. He was born 8th May 1928. At the relatively young age of 27, for those days, he was elected onto Potton Parish Council as it was then in 1955. He served continuously on that council until his recent ill health forced him to retire.

During that time he also served on the old Biggleswade Rural District Council and subsequently on Mid-Beds District Council which were both forerunners of the current Central Bedfordshire Council. During his tenure on all these authorities he held the position of chairman.

Apart from his civic duties Eric was also a governor of Burgoyne Middle School (now Potton Primary School) for over 30 years, serving as chairman for much of that time. He was a regular at St. Mary’s Church since he was a boy, serving on the Parochial Church Council holding many offices including church warden. When he retired as warden he was honoured with the title of warden emeritus.

For many years he was a member of Potton Consolidated Charity, serving as Chairman of that body until ill health forced his retirement. During his spare time he was a member of the history society.

So how can you repay a man who gave and put so much into his community for so many years? The answer was the 1972 Local Government Act that allowed local authorities to honour a citizen(s) in this way. So that was the decision of Potton Town Council at a special meeting in September 2014.

Every year the bells of St Mary’s Church ring on 8th May to celebrate Eric’s birthday.

Frederick (Eric) William Jakes MBE, Freeman of Potton passed away on Monday 12th December 2016 at 7.55pm.

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