Planning Applications
Planning within Potton
Tree applications, which do not include any tree felling/removal, receive a response of ‘no objection, subject to carrying out a bat survey, a check for nesting birds and the approval of the Trees and Landscape Officer’ and will be noted by the Planning Committee on 7th January 2025.
The following applications are within the remit of the Planning Committee and will be considered on 7th January 2025.
Application No: CB/24/03222/FULL
Location: Poultry Farm, Hatley Road, Potton, Sandy SG19 2DX
Proposal: Demolition of existing poultry units. Erection of 5 replacement poultry units and associated infrastructure. EIA Environmental Impact Assessment development accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
Weblink for documents: Click here.
Application No: CB/24/03572/FULL
Location: 50 Horslow Street, Potton, Sandy SG19 2NZ
Proposal: Two storey side/rear extension, with front dormer window and retaining wall structure.
Weblink for documents: Click here.
Application No: CB/24/03595/FULL
Location: 1 Catherines Close, Potton, Sandy SG19 2PR
Proposal: Creation of 2.1m high close boarded fence on front and side of property facing the highway.
Weblink for documents: Click here.
The following applications will be considered by the Planning Committee on 7th January 2025 for recommendation at the next meeting of the Town Council.
Understanding the Planning Applications
Potton Town Council considers all Potton planning applications. That means when your neighbour submits a planning application or any other application in the town is submitted, the Town Council will consider the application before passing on a recommendation to the Planning Authority at Central Bedfordshire Council.
Due to the nature of Potton’s special architectural and historic interest, the character and appearance is subject to stricter rules on what type of development can take place. Because of this, Potton has a conservation area and all planning applications are considered by full town council. To view a map of the conservation area, click here.
Potton Conservation Area Appraisal
Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC), as the Planning Authority, strives to determine all planning applications within an eight-week cycle. The cycle commences when a planning application is submitted to CBC. As part of the cycle Potton Town Council is consulted on all applications within Potton. CBC also consult with the immediate neighbours of the applicant, with the consultation period lasting for a four week period.
The Town Council’s Planning Committee meet twice a month to consider all Potton applications that fall within the remit of the committee.
Residents are also encouraged to advise the Town Council of any concerns that they might have regarding planning proposals that they feel affect them and suggest that copies of letters sent to the planning department at Central Bedfordshire Council are also forwarded to Potton Town Council. These can then be considered by the relevant Councillors when viewing the planning application.
As with all Potton Town Council meetings, members of the public are welcome to attend.
The determination of planning applications is primarily conducted via a system of delegation to Council Officers, which means that the Local Planning Authority Officers determine all non-contentious applications, which is approximately 90% of the planning applications received by the Planning Authority. The Planning (Development Management Committee) of CBC determines the remaining 10% of applications in the Potton area.
Central Bedfordshire Councillors, however have the power to “call in” any application they consider needs further investigation, which is a process that ensures the application is determined by the Planning Committee and not determined by a Planning Officer.