Potton’s Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget

Potton’s Roll of Honour – First and Second World Wars
1914 – 1918
BAKER William Private G/14509, 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment.
BLANE Horace Private 5855, “B” Company, 2/5th Battalion (Territorial) Gloucestershire Regiment.
BONESS Arthur John Private 18787, 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment.
BOSTON Charles H Corporal G/2922, 9th East Surrey Regiment.
BREED Frederick C Private 23417, 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
CARTER Frederick Private 8283, 8th Battalion East Surrey Regiment.
CARTER Harry Private 23431, “B” Company, 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
CHARTER Albert Private 20639, 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
CLARK[E] William Walter Private 31995, 117th Company, Machine Gun Corps (inf.). Formerly 23434 Bedfordshire Regiment.
COLLINS Sam Private 27468, 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
COMPTON Boston Leopold Signaller 159089, 1st/1st (Warwick Bty.) 15th Bde. Royal Horse Artillery.
DARLOW Albert Private 51607, 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment.
DEEBLE Samuel Private 49257, 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
DELANEY J [Probably Joseph Delaney] L/Corporal 1279, 9th Battalion Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment.
DENNIS John Sergeant 33557, 14th Army Bde. Royal Field Artillery.
EMERY F Private 2854, 5th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
FELTS Percival Claude 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps.
FOSTER A No information available.
FOSTER Ernest Private 23437, 4th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
FREESTONE J H Private 114640, 17th Company Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). Formerly 23467 Essex Regiment.
GARDINER Stanley Tysoe 2nd Lieutenant 55th Field Company, Royal Engineers.
GATES William Henry Private 2654, East Surrey Regiment.
GIDDINGS Harry K L/Corporal 32199, 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
GINN Frederick William Driver 182822, 62nd Bty. 38th Bde. Royal Field Artillery.
GURNEY Albert G Sergeant 28160, 259th Siege Royal Garrison Artillery.
HARE William Charles Private 203183, 5th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
HILL W No information.
HUTCHINSON Herbert [Hutchison on CWGC] Private 9271, 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
HUTCHINSON (Charles) Nicholas Private 8196, 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
HUTCHINSON George Private G/8320, 9th Battalion East Surrey Regiment.
HUTCHINSON William [Hutchison on CWGC] Sergeant 13370, 47th Company, Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). Formerly 8319 Bedfordshire Regiment.
INSKIP Bert William Private G/14547, ‘C’ Company, 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment.
KITCHENER James Private 133841, 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers Labour Corps. Formerly 35187 Middlesex Regiment.
LINFORD, MM Alfred William Company Sergeant Major G/20279, 12th Royal Sussex Regiment.
MANNING John L/Corporal L/8831, 8th Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment).
MARSDEN George James [Transcribed as D J Marsden] Private 29213, 11th Battalion Essex Regiment.
MARSDEN Fred Sergeant 39316, 11th Battalion Essex Regiment. Attd. 6th Div. H.Q. Formerly 07704 R.A.O.C.
MOORE F Private 7311, Depot. East Surrey Regiment.
MUNKMAN Frank Private 30946, 1st Battalion Hertfordshire Regiment.
PAYNE Walter Private 27644, 8th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
PEACOCK William Henry Private 29558, 1/4th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment. Formerly 46472 Yorkshire Regiment.
REYNOLDS Arthur George Private G/25785, 1st battalion Buffs (East Kent Regiment).
REYNOLDS J F [Probably Frederick J. Reynolds] Private 25135, 4th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
REYNOLDS W E No information.
RICHARDSON E G No information.
RICHARDSON James Private 3/8288, 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
RICHARDSON Wilfred Ernest Private 2711, 2nd East Surrey Regiment.
SHEARMAN William Private 23436, 4th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.
SPRIGGS Frederick Harry Driver 177485, ‘D’ Bty. 38th Bde. Royal Field Artillery.
SURTEES Richard Barron Private 2720, 2nd Battalion East surrey Regiment.
SYMONDS James Howard Private F/2805, 16th Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment).
WHITFIELD Frederick Private 141584, 21st Battalion Canadian Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regiment).
WHITFIELD Allen Pettengell Private 26754, 1st (Herts) Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment.
WOODS F T No information.


1939 – 1945
APTHORPE Arthur Walter Fusilier 14701379, 6th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers.
COBB George William Sapper 14631797, 20 Bomb Disposal Company, Royal Engineers.
DAISLEY Arthur William Gunner 863416, ‘D’ Bty. 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery.
EDWARDS R No information.
EMERY Jack Inscription in Potton Cemetery on Memorial Plot G214 reads: Died 7th August 1943 whilst a Prisoner of War in Malaya.
HUTCHINSON A No information.
JAKES Dick Driver T/187282, 64 Bulk Petrol Transport Company, Royal Army Service Corps.
KIDD V [Probably Victor Alfred Kidd] Private 6409423, 2/7th Battalion, The Queen’s Royal Regiment (W. Surrey).
KITCHENER Macdonald Trooper 10602953, 4th Regiment Reconnaissance Corps. R.A.C.
LANGLEY G T [Possibly Gordon Thompson Langley] Flt/Lt. 83713, 68 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
MONTEITH E W A Trooper 14991645, 3rd Carabiniers (POW Dragoon Guards), R.A.C.
NORMAN Stanley Edmund Gunner 845570, 65 (The Norfolk Yeomanry) Anti-tank Regiment, Royal Artillery.
TRUNDLEY Leonard Gordon Private 5952150, 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment.

Information taken from http://www.roll-of-honour.com/Bedfordshire/PottonRollofHonour.html

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