Potton Recycling

Potton Recycling is a joint Potton Town Council and Potton Hall for All initiative to increase recycling in the town and raise funds for the Hall for All.

We are a Terracycle public collection point for some of the items which our local household recycling does not take. Items recycled through the scheme will help to raise money for the Potton Hall for All. Collection bins are located at the town council offices on Brook End.

You can deposit the following items in our bins:

– Plastic packaging and closure tags from bread and other bakery products
– Warburtons brand wax wrap from bread
– Biscuit, cake & cracker wrappers
– Flexible plastic packaging from individual coffee bag sachets, bulk bags of tea bags or loose leaf tea
– Household disposable or ‘rubber’ gloves
– Rigid plastic food containers (e.g. lunchboxes) and reusable plastic drinking bottles (single use items go in your household recycling bin)
– Pringles brand tubes ONLY (seal goes in household waste and lid in household recycling)
– Ferrero brand clear boxes & gold trays

Unless stated otherwise, we accept all brands. Please see the labels on the bins for what goes where. Items do not need to be washed but should be empty and please flatten Pringles tubes as it makes them much easier to pack.


Please note that we no longer accept any kind of oral care products such as toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes or packaging from crisps, nuts, popcorn or pretzels – this is because the manufacturers who were sponsoring the programmes have withdrawn their funding.

We run regular packing events to sort and pack the waste, and always welcome new volunteers to these! So far we have raised over £2,000 for the Potton Hall for All and collected upwards of 1.5 tonnes of waste which would not otherwise have been recycled.

To keep up to date with what is happening please like or follow our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pottonrecycling or ask to be added to our mailing list by contacting the town council office with your email address.

What's On

  • VE Day 80 Anniversary

    8th May 2025

    A message from the Pageantmaster ‘On Thursday 8th May 2025, we mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day, our nation

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  • Summer Four Seasons Market

    21st June 2025

    Four Seasons Market Stalls include a good selection of the very best local produce, typically local meat, beer, vegetables, artisan

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  • PottonFest

    21st June 2025

    Something new and exciting for the Summer 2025! The town council’s Events Committee is busy planning PottonFest, our very own

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