Who We Are

The Council has fifteen members, representing Potton. Currently, one Town Councillor is also a member of Central Bedfordshire Council.  Currently there are two vacancies.

Each year in May an Annual Meeting of Town Council is held when the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Committees are elected.

How to become a Councillor
If you are interested in helping and serving your local community and would like to learn more about how to become a councillor go to the National Association of Local Councils website where you can access all the information you need on how to get involved.

Hannah Cairns

I moved to Potton in April 2024, but have lived in Central Bedfordshire since 2017. Although I have not lived in Potton long, it already feels like a forever home. Potton is a wonderful town with a friendly, active, community feel.

Growing up in Stevenage, I then moved away and studied at Canterbury Christ Church University and completed a degree (BA and Bsc) in Physical Education and Sport & Exercise Science. After my degree, I moved into education and worked my way from a specialist learning support assistant, to an education coordinator. I then progressed in my career to become a Designated Safeguarding Lead and SEND manager at a further education provision in Hertfordshire. In 2023, I moved out of education into a Regional Business Development role for an education provider.

I am a successful professional, but hold a kindness and caring background. I feel I represent many different people in the community from a young carer background, working in specialist education, supporting parents and the community during my career and now a business development role to complement it all.

I am a proud mum and animal lover too!

I am very much looking forward to representing a town such as Potton!

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Charles Craig

I was born and grew up in Northern Ireland. I moved to England around 40 years ago, more than 20 of these I’ve lived with my wife in Potton. My wife, son and I arrived here by accident through an exercise in triangulation (I worked in Stevenage and my wife in Cambridge). We have no regrets as the town is charming, the people friendly and the countryside (still) on our doorstep.

Recently retired, I worked for many years as a virologist – mainly looking for ways to prevent AIDS.

I’m keen to help address local and community issues. I have a natural affinity for issues around health, education and safety – I’m also enthusiastic for town and country environmental conservation, recently encouraged to take an interest in sustainable energy generation.

I enjoy the outdoors, especially dog walking, photography and music (all sorts – playing and listening).

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John Day

I moved to Potton in 2001 and soon learned the town has a friendly community and atmosphere, with good facilities. I think it is fair to say Potton is the only place I have lived and felt part of a community.

It is a privilege to support fellow councillors and the community to help Potton retain its character and natural environment. Where possible I seek to influence better environmental outcomes for the town and community, and realise the aspirations of the Neighbourhood Plan in order that Potton remains a good place to live and work.

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Vicki Gwilliam

I have lived in Potton with my husband and son since 2006. We relocated from North London and chose Potton for its charm and sense of community. I am ready and willing to support the council and our community and would like to take part in ensuring Potton retains its charm, character, community spirit and changes that take place are those that are welcomed and for the benefit of our community.

I am a dog owner and enjoy the green spaces around our town. As with many others, it is important to me that these areas are retained and accessible to all.

I work in education as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant in Huntingdon. I am actively involved in children’s football and hold the position of Welfare Officer for a local club.

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John Hobbs

I moved to Potton in 1979 to pursue a teaching career teaching Mathematics at a local Further Education College. I assumed many management roles during my teaching career, eventually becoming a Director at Bedford College, with responsibility for their Sixth Form, Teacher Education, Access Course and English as a Foreign Language provision.

Both of my children were educated in Potton and have benefited from being part of a very special community. I have been actively involved in many local groups and organisations, including Potton Playhouse and playing football for Potton Wanderers. I am also a former governor of Sutton School and have served as a committee member of Hall for All.

I retired in 2015 and am very actively involved within the community. I am currently chairman of the Potton Town Cricket Club Social Committee where I have coordinated many fund-raising events, including the May Day Fete. I also work as a volunteer for the Potton Consolidated Charity funded Samsung Tablet training for retired members of Potton. I also enjoy cycling and walking the local footpaths.

I served as a member of Potton Town Council for eight years in the 1990’s, during which time I was chairman of the Playing Fields Committee and was instrumental in providing a dog-free play area in Henry Smith’s Playing Fields and worked with Potton Timber to provide new play equipment. I was also instrumental in developing the Christmas lights in the Market Square, liaising with the local traders to raise funds to buy lights and eventually have official turning on ceremonies.  We have certainly grown from strength to strength since then!

In my second spell as a Town Councillor, since 2015, I have led the development of our Potton Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted in a referendum in October 2018. I am still involved with the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, working to achieve the Vision outlined in the Plan.

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Guy Horsfall

I moved to Potton in 2004 with my wife and two young children, before that we lived in Welwyn Garden City. Both children have left home since graduating from university. We’ve been involved in many aspects of Potton life over the years, with Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all featuring at various points in my children’s upbringing. We had an allotment for a few years too.

I work for a fibre optical infrastructure provider, based in Milton Keynes. My wife and I also own and run the Potton Brewing Company. The brewery is deepening our social and commercial links in the town.

As I have more free time than I used to, and having enjoyed living in Potton since 2004 and seen it change dramatically in that time, I put myself forward to be a town councillor so that I can contribute more to the community. I am really looking forward to being able to work with the other councillors, and residents, to enhance and maintain the town and the community we are all a part of.

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Andrew Inkersole

I have lived in Potton with my wife Karen since 1987.

Our three daughters grew up in the town and all attended Potton schools.

I retired in 2016 after a 40-year career in the engineering industry.

Over the years I have been involved in many community activities in the town including as treasurer for the Twinning Association and a six year stint on the Party on Potton committee covering the events in 2004, 2006 and 2008.

I am also a volunteer driver and committee member for the Ivel Sprinter community bus.

Many people in the town will know my wife Karen since she works at the Potton Federation and also runs a Potton Guide unit.

Although I helped out in producing Potton’s Neighbourhood Plan, I have not before been formally involved with the Town Council, so this is my chance to try to make some changes that improve the lives of all of us that are proud to have Potton as their home.

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Robert Kett

I am originally from Norfolk but my wife and I settled in Potton in 2006, following my career as an army officer. During my time in the Army I truly saw much of the world from Europe, to Australia, the USA and the Far East. I also saw operational service in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Iraq and Africa.

Upon retirement in 2008, I started work as a civilian with the United Nations (UN) in New York and Norway, but mostly in Africa with two peacekeeping missions. The work within the UN was very rewarding, assisting displaced people in Liberia and South Sudan and ensuring they were protected and able to live peacefully. I was also heavily involved in peace negotiations between rival factions. After some eight years I became fully retired and returned home to join my wife in Potton.

Once settled again, I started work with the RSPB as an unpaid volunteer, helping on the visitor interface side of things and later as a Roving Ranger, patrolling the RSPB Reserve. This has proved to be a worthy and enjoyable occupation that allows me to be close to nature and the environment and in turn assisting a worthy charity.

Having settled after two very full and rewarding careers, I felt that I now had some time and experience to devote to assisting others. I decided to become a councillor in order that I might give back a little. To that end I have participated in the Potton neighbourhood Planning Group, I helped draft the Potton Green Infrastructure Plan and I am currently a member of the Potton Green Wheel planning team. I am hoping to further my interests in nature and environmental matters where I can within Potton Town Council.

I am looking forward to working alongside the other councillors to help make Potton a better place for all to live.

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Carol Leggatt

I moved to Potton with my husband in 1974 following our marriage, being the first residents in Aldgate Close. Prior to that I had trained as a nursery nurse with the Church of England’s Children Society. I was a nanny in Regents Park for five years for Caroline and Terence Conran’s three children, often joined by his eldest two by a previous marriage. I continued to be a nanny for a local doctor and MP on moving to Potton.

When our two daughters arrived, I continued to be involved in childcare – St Mary’s (now Potton) Pre-school, Brownies, help set up the Rainbows Group in Potton, child minding and I was a local school governor for around 24 years. I was an organiser of Potton holiday playscheme. I have represented Pre-schools on Central Bedfordshire Schools forum and funding panel. I opened Woodentops in 1990 with a partner and continued to work there until my retirement in 2014.

I am currently a member of the Inner Wheel section of Rotary International and will become President of the Sandy Branch in June 2019.

Although this in my first time on town council, I have been involved on the side lines for a long time. I was involved in the steering group meetings between Potton and our twin town of Langenlonsheim. Following the signing of the Official Charter, I was Chairperson of the Twinning Association for several years. Alan and I organised ten day trips for the young people of Potton to Langenlonsheim and reciprocal hosting here.

I am still involved with the Christmas Lights, primarily the switch on event and I also organise the bi-annual litter picks. I would love to see us become a litter-free town!

I am passionate about Potton and the special community it has and I am looking forward to making a contribution as a Town Councillor.

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Angus Macdonald

I left my home in 1997 seeking employment South of the border. As my career progressed and the desire to move back to Scotland began to diminish, I started to search for my first permanent home. I moved to Potton in 2000 after my soon-to-be wife convinced me that this was the place to be – unsurprising coming from a local girl!

I’m pleased to say though that over the years, and given the many times she’s insisted that she’s right, she was absolutely spot on. Potton always feels welcoming and offers a character and spirit that is hard to find elsewhere. It feels like home to me now and has been the perfect environment to raise my family.

I work in the IT/Banking industry and mostly work in and around London. In my spare time I enjoy relaxing with the family, running, gardening and DIY. In the past I have been a governor at Burgoyne Middle School and the Potton Federation. I also represent the Town Council as a Trustee of Potton Consolidated Charity.

I joined Potton Town Council in 2009 and was struck by the enthusiasm that our Town Councillors had for the task entrusted to them, for their town and for the people who have made Potton their home. I have no political affiliation and have always been motivated to do what I think is best for Potton, now and in the years to come. I have previously served as Chairman of the Town Council from 2016 to 2020.

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Dan Norman

I have lived in Potton with my wife Ruth since 1985.  All three of our children attended Potton and Sandy schools and two of them went on to University.  My wife is a regular volunteer at  St. John’s, Moggerhanger.

I retired from working with three of the major construction companies after 40 years in 2001.

Following my involvement with a Potton Town Council sub-committee developing the Neighbourhood Plan since 2016, I found it interesting that a small market town should produce such an important document so quickly and professionally.  Involving the town’s population in its production was a way to meet a  number of interested people, too.

I had some experience of council work when we lived  in Shropshire, so I was happy to think that I could put some of my experience to help the people of Potton and I look forward to meeting more of them in my new role as a member of this Council.

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Jonathan Price Williams

Having graduated with a Mining degree in 1983 I moved to the area to work for Kier Mining and rented a house in Potton with my fiancee. We never intended to stay for more than a few years, but we’re still here today having married, moved several times in the town and brought up a daughter. Coming from Camborne in Cornwall to Potton was a shock, it seemed so flat in Bedfordshire and no sea, but this town of ours stood out as a nice place to live. Having cycled around the area I know there may not be big hills, but there are definitely some “inclines”!

I have moved jobs, changed career and commuted to London for many years, but Potton has always felt like home. I would like to see the town stay that way and by serving on the council in the past and for the future I hope I can help to ensure the town can accommodate change but still continue to provide a pleasant, friendly and lively place to live and work for all generations without losing its essential character. I’m also pleased to be the Town Council’s agreed trustee for the Potton Hall for All charity. I’m more than happy to chat about the town and issues when out and about so do say hello.

In my spare time I enjoy photography, walking, gardening, wood turning, exploring the UK by motorhome and tinkering with motorbikes or any other machines.

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Adam Zerny

I have lived in Potton for 15 years and reside on Station Road with my wife and children and assorted pets.  I was elected onto the town council in 2009 and then onto Central Bedfordshire Council as ward councillor in 2011.

I work in the city and in my spare time I am a triathlete and author.  My first book, Resolution was published in late 2020.

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